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How I Saved Almost Half My Budget for A Holiday| Olanka Safaris

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How I Saved Almost Half My Budget for A Holiday| Olanka Safaris

Photo Courtesy of Olanka Safaris tour company

Tags: Mombasa Hotels, Olanka Safaris, Mombasa Holidays, December holiday, Hotel booking, Budget Hotels, Kenya Travel Agents, Maasai Mara Hotels, Campsites in Masai Mara

For quite too long I always thought to myself that traveling on holiday needed me to be ‘super rich’ or probably have a ‘fat’ bank account to cater to a fantastic and exciting holiday destination. Well… I think I was not alone with this kind of mindset as many people whom I interacted with shared the same story. Some alluded that you must have some sponsorship to enjoy a super cool holiday, others indicated that those who like traveling have high-paying jobs and others have just won a lottery. I must admit that I bought these kinds of ideas which to some extent impacted how I viewed taking myself on a holiday treat. I had sworn to myself that I would never save for a holiday vacation and instead I better invest that money somewhere else that will pay off in the future. But along the way, something changed my mind.

Last year I compelled and pushed myself to undertake research on what it takes to enjoy a great holiday experience. Something kept telling me that all along, the information I heard and gathered from friends was not only inaccurate but also misleading. I had the desire and urge to seek the truth. Luckily enough in my county Nakuru, there are many tours and travel companies. I approached Olanka Safaris, a Nakuru-based tour and Travel Company to consult about their tour packages. Being a highly reputable company, I was pretty sure that I would come out a satisfied client. I wanted to enquire whether they would organize my game drive holiday starting from Lake Nakuru, Maasai Mara, and finally to the Coast. Surprisingly, I met willing and dedicated staff who gave me the reception I had not received for quite a while. They helped me create a friendly and affordable budget that was to cater my perfect holiday trip. I paid the amount within the stipulated time and without much struggle. Honestly, I found it so easy and convenient. Then came the D-day, my holiday package was ready and waiting.  

At exactly 8 o’clock I was picked by the Olanka Safaris tour guide to join a group and commence my holiday adventure in Lake Nakuru. We drove off straight to the park without wasting time. My interest was to see the rare white and black rhinos which form parts of the big five and the pink flamingos which are all over Lake Nakuru. It was such a fun-filled and exciting moment getting closer and even taking great pictures with the amazing wildlife. The tour guides were exceptional, knowledgeable, and experienced. They understood well their job based on how they guided me in every section I went. The game drive lasted for three hours after which we were picked by the Olanka Safaris tour van to Masai Mara National park for lunch at Mahali Mzuri hotel. After the delicious lunch meal, we were transferred back to the park by the lodge vehicles to enjoy the Masai mara game drive. We spent the remaining part of the day exploring and adventuring mara in search of the big five. Luckily enough I was able to encounter all of them, namely black rhinos, lions, elephants, leopards, buffalos, and cheetahs among others. I also got an opportunity to enjoy viewing the mara beauty sited at the banks of Mara River. The day was very successful.  I took dinner and spent overnight at the Mahali mzuri hotel waiting to embark on my destination which was to the Coast. The following morning, I enjoyed the last early morning game drive after which I took breakfast in readiness to be driven to Nairobi. Olanka Safari had already booked a hotel where I was to spend my vacation and an SGR to land me on the Coast. I arrived in Mombasa safely and enjoyed my two days holiday at the Coastal beaches until it was time to embark on my home county.

 What a thrilling and exciting holiday experience it was. I later came to realize that the budget that I had in mind was only spent by half; so ideally, I saved half amount of money for the entire holiday treat. This was quite amazing all courtesy of Olanka safaris.  I highly recommend Olanka Safaris for both local and international travel. For any booking, you can reach them through their website here



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